airlines, appliances & hardware, baby care, baked goods & baking supplies, banks & credit cards, beer, body care, bread,breakfast food, butter & margarine, candy, canned beans & chili, canned fruit & vegetables, cars, cell phones & service, cereal, chips, chocolate, cleaning products, clothing, coffee, computers & accessories, condiments, cookies, cosmetics, crackers, credit cards, dairy alternatives, dairy products, dental care, desserts, eggs, electronics, energy bars, energy drinks, feminine care, frozens dinners, fruits & vegetables, gas stations, gum & mints, hair care, ice cream, juice, laundry supplies, meat alternatives, meat products, medical, milk & alternatives, office supplies, oil & vinegar, olives & pickles, paper, paper towels, pasta sauce, peanut butter & jelly, pet care, pizza, popcorn, nuts & pretzels, retail stores, rice & other grains, salad dressing, salsa, spreads & dips, seafood, shoes, soap, soft drinks, soup & noodles, sugar, spices & sweeteners, supermarkets, tea, toilet paper, vitamins, water, wine.
digital integration
Can I download this directly from my iPhone?
The Better World Shopper1.2 iPhone app is available for purchase through the App Store button on your iPhone. Once you tap on the App Store, tap the Search option and typein "better world shopper". If you have iTunes installed, you can also take a look at the app on your computer right now by following this link.
Can I take a look at the app even if I don't have iTunes or an iPhone?
Certainly. There are a number of websites that review the latest apps for the iPhone as they are released. To take a look at The Better World Shopper iPhone app, click here.
all 75 product categories on your iPod